Ibiza – Mediteranean Food

Ibiza – Mediteranean Food

“Welcome to this Magical Place called Eivissa, Ibiza by the name you know it or “The Bubble” by her spiritual name.

In many of its descriptions offered by the tourists, residents and locals you can find the same story: once you land on this island, your problems are gone… walking trough the sun fluffy feelings invade your soul and make you a better person.

Yes! 🙂

*You’ve just entered in a bubble of joy with good people, good music and good food*

You arived in a hunted place by pirates, many years ago they were coming here for fun and sun, stealing from locals their women and wines. Also troughout its history, Ibiza received an important legacy of many civilizations (Carthaginians, Romans, Arabs), of course it is situated so strategic in the Mediteranean Sea, could anyone miss it? … So the traditions and habits of all those settled on this teritory, during different periods, clearly influenced the life and character of this mediteranean island’s people, including its gastronomy… A gastronomy influenced by the sun, the sea and its landscape also… With a large variety in tastes and products always of the highest quality promised by the local organic farms 🙂

The real treasure of Ibiza’s kitchen is the weather… almost all year summer, with just 4 months colder, but you can’t call it a proper winter, it’s more like a rainy autumn, which gives two harvests a year, being a real heaven for any chef having all the time fresh products, delicious fish and seafood, meat, poultry and eggs, fruits and vegetables, mushrooms and fungi…and we are taking them from the local farms and peasants’ markets.

And those dishes, they are fantastic! Full of aromas and flavours, purely Mediteranean!

Rice, as the “Arroz de Matances” (Rice with Pork) or fish paellas, “guisos” (stews) and “estofados” (which combine meat with vegetables), like the “Sofrit pages” (spicy meat, sausages and spicy potatoes). Also fish dishes, the delicious “Bulit de peix” (mix of fish, potatoes and light garlic sauce) or grilled pork, squid or octopus, all delicious garnished. Some more dishes that we recommend are “Stuffed squid with spicy sauce”, “Coca de pimientos con gato” (a fine slice of pizza with red pepper on it), or cordero ribs and “Sobradada” (spicy meat). And there are more but these are just the most authentic, ancient ones, contain the inspiration of our chef which is creating some real masterpieces with all the ingredients fresh and organic.

To end our story, will short mention also the interesting offer of typical desserts such as “Flao” (goat chesse cake with peppermint), “Salsa de nadal” (broth of chicken, roasted almonds, honey, cinnamon and saffron), or the “Graixonera” (cake made with milk, soft bread and cinnamon). Also the dessert is under the same super talented chef and its interpretations are quite awesome. Many more will be mentioned in the menu.

Enjoy your meal and holiday in this amazing Mediteranean Paradise!”

by Oana&Diana